This week, despite growing rumors that his health is failing, Russian President Vladimir Putin lost his balance and soiled himself, according to a Telegram group critical of the Kremlin that appears to be connected to his security detail. According to the Telegram
The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations warned on Tuesday that if Russia followed out its “horrific” threats of a nuclear strike against its adversaries, America will respond with all of its might. Vladimir Putin‘s threats to deploy tactical nuclear weapons, according
A fresh story citing secret Kremlin documents claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin is battling both pancreatic cancer and Parkinson’s disease. In messages obtained by The Sun, a Russian intelligence source seemed to validate long-held rumours about the 70-year-old strongman. “I can
According to the U.N. nuclear inspector, continuous shelling has caused Ukraine’s largest nuclear power plant, Zaporizhzhia, to lose its final external power source. It now depends solely on emergency diesel generators. The plant’s connection to a 750-kilovolt line was severed around one
Early on Saturday, a massive explosion shook a crucial bridge connecting Russia and the Crimean peninsula, knocking down portions of the road and igniting fuel tanker wagons on a train. The Kerch Bridge, which has served as a reminder of President Vladimir Putin‘s illegitimate
Following a string of military setbacks for Ukraine, the Russian president is prepared to declare four Ukrainian areas to be a part of Russia. On Friday, following allegedly staged referendums, Russian President Vladimir Putin will declare his country’s annexation of four regions
The predetermined result sets the ground for a risky new chapter in Russia’s conflict, as the Kremlin has threatened to send in additional troops and maybe deploy nuclear weapons. A day after declaring that the local population overwhelmingly approved such a move
Putin mobilizes more troops for the Ukraine war, threatens nuclear retaliation and backs the annexation of Russian-occupied land In a rare public address, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the partial mobilization of his country’s military on Wednesday, mobilizing military reservists following a
An explosion in Moscow killed the daughter of a critical ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Daria Dugina, aged 29, was driving a Toyota Land Cruiser Sunday when the car exploded. She was the daughter of Alexander Dugin, who’s popularly called “Putin’s