The American Civil War was fought from April 12, 1861, up till May 26, 1865. The Americans engaged themselves in a civil war. The warring factions were the United States “The Union”, otherwise known as “the North” and the Confederacy which was
The wooden broadside Ironclad was constructed during the American Civil War for the United States Navy. It was named the USS Galena. At first, the ship was moved to the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron, where it was vital to the Union forces
For a very long time, warships were built with heavy wood and propelled by human efforts and wind. However, the discovery of gunpowder engineered the first opportunity for machine-made materials as well as chemical energy. This led to the development of ironclads
In 1861, after decades of tension over diverse ideologies on slavery, states rights, and secession of the south from the union, the civil war broke out in the United States. Here we highlight some of the causes of the civil war. 1.