The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), led by Joseph Kony, has been behind one of the longest and most brutal conflicts in Uganda and its neighboring countries. This conflict has displaced nearly two million people and killed thousands. The LRA started its rebellion
George Washington first came into possession of enslaved Africans at the first age of 11. Washington and his wife Martha together owned about 200 enslaved Africans at the start of the Revolution. Washington had no tolerance for enslaved African uprisings against slavery.
Since I can’t sleep, I A thread on France and the 14 African countries who still pay tax colonies up to now. I know we cannot compare colonizers but France as a state continues to be the most racist and white supremacist
An entourage of sixty thousand including a personal slave train of 12,000 all clad in Persian silk. Five thousand servants were preceding the King on horseback, all carrying 2.7kg gold staffs. One hundred trained camels bearing no less than 300 pounds of
According to many, the lifetime of two-time NBA All-Star Stephon Marbury is going to be on display during a new powerful black documentary. “A Kid from Coney Island” will show how Marbury “..went from making $20 million a year to zero.” Marbury
The word ‘Anti-Semitism,’ which was given validity on the basis of Hitler’s crimes against the Jews, is thrown around today just about every time there is a profound criticism or antagonism of a Jewish individual. This is a form of retributive consideration
The idea of heaven and hell are until today, the foremost genius, tricky and heinous lies that are told to mankind. And its effect is more disastrous in Africa. The concepts of ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’ are pure fabrications, and a tool used
Watching the video of Beyonce’s new music “Love Drought” and its obvious derivation of symbolism from the Igbo landing tragedy, I was compelled to write about the Igbo landing of 1803. One who is intimate with the culture of the Igbo people
Some years ago, Nick Cannon expressed his disdain for movies like “Django Unchained” and “12 Years a Slave,” saying he’s uninterested in seeing Black people portrayed as slaves on film. Recognizing that African people’s history started before being enslaved, the actor tweeted
As a Black man and an African historian, I even have found that one among the foremost inspiring aspects within the annals of humankind is that the outstanding role of African women and their contributions to history. During this brief article, we
Frequently when people learn of the status of girls during ancient Egyptian society, they’re perplexed by the quantity of human rights women enjoyed in a civilization that existed thus far back in history. On a reported visit to Egypt, fifth century BCE
The remains of a Tuskegee Airman who went missing during war II may are found, consistent with a replacement report about human remains recently discovered in Europe. The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) is examining the likelihood that human remains and other
In a ground-breaking archaeological finding, scientists performing on the Woranso-Mille Paleoanthropological scientific research study within the Afar Regional State of Ethiopia have discovered a “remarkably complete” skull said to belong to a skeleton of early pre-human that lived about 3.8 million years
Confederate Army Gen. Robert E. Lee was vilified in the North during the Civil War only to be transformed in the decades afterwards into a heroic icon of “The Lost Cause,” admired by many on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line. Today,
Thomas Sankara, the ‘African Che Guevara’ Who Tried to Save Burkina Faso from French Imperialism After a successful coup against a corrupt government in Burkina Faso in 1983, Thomas Sankara was nicknamed “Che Guevara in Africa.” Sankara, formerly known as “Upper
Horne became a member of the civil rights movement and spoke at a rally on behalf of the National Association of People of Color and the National Council of Black Women and attended a March 1963 meeting in Washington, DC. Horne’s most
According to The New Times Rwanda by (published by Nasra Bishumba) after discussions to scrap all the country’s colonial-era laws began, parliament has passed a law scrapping over 1,000 pieces of the legislation said to be outdated. “Rwanda was a colony of