Haunting Pictures From An English Lunatic Asylum, 1870s

During the Victorian Era, a time when asylums had an outburst of patients treated. This resulted from increased psychiatric illness; there was a massive admission of mentally ill patients. These patients were admitted under the Poor Law and lunacy Act.  The 1845

Execution Of A Traitor During The Afghan War In, 1980

In 1978, the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan was formed after the Saur Revolution. The Afghanistan leadership was overthrown with the assistance of the Soviet Union. Mohammad Taraki Nur, the Afghan president, had earlier implemented socialist land and modernization reforms into effect. He

Egyptian Street Vendor Selling Mummies In 1865

During the Victorian era, after Napoleon conquered Egypt, there was a significant influx of Europeans into Egypt. The mystery in Egyptian history only increased the interest of the Europeans. Mummies weren’t considered a big deal during this time and were disregarded. They

Photographs From Anwar Sadat’s Assassination In 1981

President Anwar Sadat had a reputation for making bold decisions in foreign affairs. This reputation was primarily based on his decision to journey to the camp of Egypt’s adversary, Israel, to make peace in 1977. He was the first Arab leader to

Photographs Of Lebanon’s Brutal Civil War, 1975-1989

The Lebanese War was not just an internal and regional conflict but more. International and local parties were actively involved in the 15 years of fighting. The war resulted from numerous issues like the Palestine-Israel conflict, Cold War competition, Arab nationalism, political

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