
Why Should White Lives Matter?–The Live Discussion

Why Should White Lives Matter? - The Live Discussion

Why Should White Lives Matter? – The Black Lives Matter movement saw brought global attention to the various social vices that had been meted out against black people. From racism and poor police treatment to hate crimes and so on. Through riots, protests (both online and offline), and a general breakdown of law and order in various places, the black community spoke with one voice – enough is enough.

In the end, the #BlackLivesMatter slogan became the go-to word used to reaffirm the status quo; that is, there is a need to prioritize the interest of black people as minorities. By extension, the movement has spurred other minorities who have suffered a similar fate to come under this umbrella or create similar identities to convey their grievances.

In other words, these movements are strategically organized against a white-dominated society that has, for a long time, maintained authority over various sectors and positions of power and has used these positions to oppress minorities. In this case, the whites, as majorities, as being told by the minorities that they should prioritize their well-being.

Why Should White Lives Matter? - The Live Discussion

So with this in mind, one would wonder why white lives should matter. What about their lives being so messed up or similar to that of the minorities that they should be accorded the same regard? Since they make the policies and control the major sectors of society, what is not so great about their lives that we should be concerned enough to acknowledge that it deserves the same priority as Blacks?

To some people, it is nothing but propaganda to sabotage the BLM movement, while to others, it is a call that should be given equal attention as well. While we may not say much about the former as that could be true, we would not be neglecting the possibility of the latter.

It is no secret that with the end of slavery and the civil rights movement, black people garnered enough national and international sympathy that the system underwent a series of revolutions to accommodate them and bring them up to the level of every other white person that may have benefited from their efforts and sacrifices. This led to the introduction of the Affirmative Action policy, for instance, and other similar policies.

With these policies in place, as well as other policies that have been implemented over time, the black community and other minority groups have begun to see development creep into their community. However, there is no resistance to calling out those in authority when things go wrong, and in some cases making the discussion about race.

For instance, “if it were in Beverly Hills, you would not see things like this”. White people who share no blames here are quickly tagged problems, and because of the never-healing memory of slavery, these issues are quickly likened to the days of oppression. The average white man becomes a target of this criticism until it is resolved.

Also, white people are, in most cases, compelled or bullied to approve or take a stand with black people or other minorities even though they may not comprehend the reason behind the ideology they are standing for, nor does the ideology go against their personal beliefs. Failure to do this gets them labelled as racists, and calls begin to be made for them to be cancelled.

In the end, when these pressures are so piled up on white people, they try to speak out using the “White Lives Matter” slogan. But then, BLM propounders begin to call them out for using the platform as propaganda against black people. In extreme cases, those supporting #WhiteLivesMatter are white supremacists, and the black people supporting them, like Kanye West and Candace Owens, are “Uncle Toms”.

While we all agree that Black Lives Matter, it is hypocritical to question why should White Lives Matter; we must decide to have this live discussion and understand that mutual respect for the plights of others is in the best interest of humanity.

Also, Black Lives Matter Leader Shalomyah Bowers is Accused Of Stealing $10 Million In Donations.

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