There is a racial power dynamics that have persisted in the American cultural landscape as a lasting consequence of the transatlantic slave trade.
There has been a fetishized culture of black bodies by people of Caucasoid origin, which manifested wholesomely in the slave-trade era.
Their masters rape black male slaves as a means to break his spirit and keep him perpetually subservient to his domination.
White women use black men as one would use sex toys. An overly fetishized act of distinct anatomical parts of the black men’s body for the purpose of sexual satisfaction of the mistress.
Black women used as sex and baby factories to produce more helping hands for the plantations.
There is no doubt today, the gut-wrenching atrocities of the slave-trade era no longer happen. Still, the effects of such a historically crucial point in American history is far from over.
It is still today felt in the socio-economic disparity, the racial inequality, and the continued importance of something as close to as civil rights movement to keep this conversation at the forefront of America’s cultural deliberations in the example of Black lives matter.
Romantic relationships are a beautiful thing, and everyone aspires romance at least once in their lives.
But, there are sides to a black man being romantically involved with a white woman to facilitate the opinion that the union between Caucasoid and Negros is unsound.
Here are some of the reasons why a black man should not marry or be in a romantic relationship with a white woman.
- You are sexually objectified by white women:
One of the most popular porn trend in the world today is the BBC, meaning Big Black C**k. This, at the clear view, is particular attention to a specific part of a black man’s anatomy. Any observant person would notice that more often than not, the BBC category of porn sites are usually in pairing between a black man and a white woman. This demonstrates the remnants of a sexually cultural obsession by Caucasoid in treating black bodies as a tool needed explicitly for a particular aspect of their anatomy. A white wife may only, though subtly, engage in the relationship with a black husband due to this lingering culture.
2. It is easier to destroy you:
There is no telling that even today, in a seemingly progressive world, the black communities still face a lot of unfair racial profiling from the police and predominantly white women in America. From the subtle act of tucking away their purse at the sight of a black man or the persistent action of interrogating and stopping a black man from entering an apartment building that is often where they also reside. One would have to be blind not to notice overly imposing racial unfairness, carried out by predominantly white women who are always ever ready to call 911 to report not just a minor infraction but one that often doesn’t exist.
The white woman is the single most apparent threat to black man’s safety and freedom in America. Having sent many black men to jail through sheer whims of a few tears and a baseless accusation, there is no telling that an intermingling in matrimonial exchanges between a black man and a white woman is akin to a time bomb, a nuclear blast I dare add.
3. She’s out to control you:
Control has always been an integral part of the consequence of the racial disparity in America or any other part of the world. The imposing and condescending approach of white women, especially towards black men, usually manifests itself as a subtle suggestion of dominance and superiority.
Marrying a white woman puts a black man in the cross line of fire of a person who would perpetually seek to control, manipulate, and dominate him.
Another remnant of the cultural ripple that is a consequence of the slave-trade era.
4. A black man’s crown is his black woman:
Nothing hurts any rational black person today, more than an apparent growing trend of a very significant strain the relationship between black men and women in America. The ever-increasing rate of single motherhood is one of the most vital pointers to the sad reality. There has always been throughout history, a cooperation between the sexes in the black community. In Africa, marrying from another race often makes a black man feel a specific form of severance from his ancestral roots since marriage with a black woman also poses a particular kind of spiritual significance. A black woman is the single most essential and complimentary half to a black and must, therefore, be placed as the optimum priority in every black man’s romantic consideration. No other woman will complete a black man in a spiritually and physically significant way as a black woman does. Both, are two halves of the same coin that require each other to make a wholesome currency of utmost value