Who Was Lilith, Adam’s First Wife In The Garden Of Eden?

Some ancient Jewish mythology portrays Lilith to be the wife of Adam. Although intellectuals are not definite, in the satirical Alphabet of Sirach  700–1000 AD, Lilith is revealed as Adam’s first wife, she was brought to existence at the same time and of the same clay as Adam.

However many disagree with the existence of Lilith and instead argue on the persona as only being a myth of a female vampire that answers “lilû ”. The Mesopotamian myths about succubae (female night demons) called “lilītu.”

Although having several meanings, the name ”Lilith” in the Hebrew language means a ‘night monster’ or ‘night creature’.

Furthermore, it’s mentioned that Lilith was cast from the Garden of Eden for her disobedience to Adam. Although rejected by most religions, Lilith is believed to be referred to in Biblical Hebrew in the Book of Isaiah, also Late Antiquity in Mandaean mythology and Jewish folktale start from 500 CE onward.

However, she goes on to appear four times in the Babylonian Talmud. It is when you arrive at the Alphabet of Ben Sira (c. 800s to 900s) that the persona of Lilith is brought into the relation associated with the first form of Creation.

In line with the Alphabet of Ben Sira, Lilith and Adam were always at loggerheads because Adam always wished to be atop on the other hand, Lilith wished to be at the asserting sexual position but they didn’t however see eye to eye on sexual discussions. Lilith who was displeased determined to leave Adam after which she voiced God’s name and dashed into thin air making Adam alone at the Garden of Eden.

Three angels were sent out to find and return Lilith to her husband freely or forcefully. However the angels saw her by the Red Sea and unfortunately failed at persuading her to return and also at coercing her to obey their instructions which she ignored not minding their threat of death.

In turn she responded; ‘Darlings, I know myself that God created me only to afflict babies with fatal disease when they are eight days old; I shall have permission to harm them from their birth to the eighth day and no longer; when it is a male baby; but when it is a female baby, I shall have permission for twelve days.’

The response further angered the angels who this time would not let her go, till she swore by God’s name that wherever she would come across  or see their names in an amulet, that child, she would not possess. After which they let go of her.

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