Vanessa Bryant Asks Judge to Amend Kobe’s Trust to Include Youngest Daughter, Capri

Source: Popsugar

Following the tragedy that befell the former NBA star’s family last months, his wife, Vanessa Bryant, has filed legal docs to protect all of her children. Thus, she is asking a judge to include their youngest daughter, Capri, in Kobe’s trust because she was born after the recent trust document was updated.

According to the report, Kobe drafted a trust to provide for Vanessa and his kids back in 2003. Meanwhile, the trust was amended several times in the past, most recent updates coming in 2017. It is believed that each time one of their four kids was born, they will amend the trust to include them.

However, the issue is that Capri, their last kid was only born nine months ago, and no one seems to be in a hurry to adjust the document to include her just yet. Of course, no one was excepting that a tragedy to befall the family when Kobe and one of the daughters Gigi crashed in a helicopter last January.

Source: The Sun

Therefore, Vanessa is now asking the judge to amend the trust to include Capri. She further explained that clearly, Kobe desired to provide for his children, citing he even said so generally in one of the documents. It looks obvious the judge will amend the docs.

Moreover, the trust agreement has it that Vanessa, Natalia, and Bianka can draw from the principal and income in the trust during Vanessa’s lifetime. But then her kids will get the remainder upon her death. Now Vanessa wants to include Capri in that distribution to protect the interest of all her children.

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