The Day A Computer Defeated The Chess World Champion, 1997

On May 11, 1997, a rematch in a chess tournament was being played between Garry Kasparov and the Deep Blue computer AI.

The Deep Blue faceoff against Garry Kasparov was a pair of six-game chess matches played between the world chess champion, Garry Kasparov and an IBM supercomputer named Deep Blue.

The first match was held the previous year at a location in Philadelphia with an end result in Kasparov edging by a 4-2 victory, before the rematch of 1997 in New York which ended with a 3½–2½ victory by Deep Blue over Kasparov.

Kasparov, the world chess champion during the rematch with Deep Blue could be openly seen expressing certain levels of fear and uncertainty. This was unlike his opponent, an IBM supercomputer Deep Blue, which had the ability to create an average of over 150,000,000 positions per second.

Kasparov’s defeat, however, meant a lot more than a defeat to him, staining his professionalism and chess artistry, was this also a sign that Artificial intelligence was catching up with human intelligence and gradually overtaking it? Kasparov who at the end of the chess rematch was furious and agitated initially blamed the team in charge.

However, after much investigation and examination, Kasparov’s loss was found to be his fault and a result of a strange bad play on Kasparov’s part, and do not agree with the idea that chess as a game can be conquered by unwise calculations.

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While talking about the match in a podcast with neuroscientist Sam Harris, in December 2016, Garry Kasparov persuaded the audience to have a change of heart in his views of the match.

Kasparov mentioned; “While writing the book I did a lot of research – analyzing the games with modern computers, also soul-searching – and I changed my conclusions. I am not writing any love letters to IBM, but my respect for the Deep Blue team went up, and my opinion of my own play, and Deep Blue’s play, went down. Today, you can buy a chess engine for your laptop that will beat Deep Blue quite easily”.

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