There are tons of information on the internet about navigating a Romantic Relationship but not nearly enough articles about getting over the end of a friendship. Unfortunately, society places much more value on romantic relationships than spiritual ones, especially for women. The truth is, Platonic Relationships and romantic ones are equally important and needed for a well-balanced life.
The end of a relationship can be demoralizing, but so can the end of a friendship, and it is even more painful because people ignore a person who has just ended a company. More attention is paid to a person going through a romantic relationship break-up.
Here are simple but efficient ways to handle the end of a friendship:
Take time to mourn the loss.
Cry if you have to. Friendships are a big part of our lives, and not having that friend there anymore can hurt. Don’t push down your emotions; if you need to cry, find a private place to do so and let it all out!
Find healthy ways to release your pain.
Engage yourself in creative or physically beneficial activities; you get to enjoy the benefits of those activities, making for a good distraction.
If journaling is your thing, try writing about it, it can be very therapeutic.
Talk to someone, could be a professional or other friends. You may want to not talk to mutual friends because it could make things awkward.
Accept the end of your friendship.
You cannot fully heal until you accept that your company with this person has ended and that you both need to move on.
Find Things to be grateful for about the friendship.
Maybe it was a very toxic and unhealthy friendship. Still, there are things you can be thankful for. Perhaps the lessons you took from it, you may have learnt to be more assertive, enjoy your own company, or discover something about yourself that needs fixing. Feel grateful for whatever it is.
Think of what you should or could have done right.
Learn your lessons and decide to implement them in your other friendships or in friendships you might have in the future.
Spend time with other friends and loved ones.
It’s good to be among people who love you in a time like this. Hang out with family members, romantic partners and other friends and be reminded that you are loved and cherished.
Don’t let the pain consume you. Don’t be so consumed by the pain that you are broken and thoroughly bitter. Forgive yourself for mistakes made and decide not to let the feelings of anger and hurt take charge of your life.
Give yourself time to move on.
Don’t be too hard on yourself; these things take time. Give yourself the time and space to grieve and heal.