From the end of the 18th to the 20th century, Europeans established “human zoos” in cities like Paris. Hamburg, Germany; Antwerp, Belgium; Barcelona, Spain; London; Milan; Warsaw, Poland; Louis and New York. These are popular human exhibitions where whites will see blacks exposed. Today, blacks are often forced to live outside the zoo’s gates and in animal-like cages.
Some blacks were kidnapped and taken to the human zoo for exposure. Many died quickly, and some were arrested for a year. A large number of tourists attend these exhibitions daily. For example, the Paris World Exposition is a zoo for humans in black that attracted 34 million people to participate in the exhibit in just six months.
The following photos show the terrible reality of black people forced to live in human zoos.
![belgium zoo](
This is the “People Show” in Brussels, Belgium, where a white audience feeds a young black woman.
Congolese pygmy Ota Benga was on display at the Bronx Zoo in New York City in 1906. He was forced to carry around chimpanzees and other apes.
One of the many human zoos in France.
This is one of France’s many “Negro Villages.” It was said the village would often display Blacks to dehumanize them and compare them to animals.