
Sexual Identity And The Demands Of Freedom In The 21st Century

Sexual Identity and the demands of Freedom in the 21st Century

The year is 2022, and the awareness level of people about their sexuality is at an all-time high. In some parts of the world, people do not have to live in fear because of their sexuality anymore, as they can freely identify with the sexual category in which they live.

Sexual Identity and the demands of Freedom in the 21st Century

This sexual liberation comes after a period of persecution suffered by individuals with other sexual preferences outside the predominant heterosexual category. Just like racism, these individuals have had to live in silence for decades and hide their sexuality, which was termed abominable by members of the society in which they lived.

As this persecution went on, it got to the point where social movements had to be organized to ensure that the plight of these people was brought to the attention of the public. Calls were made to include them among the human rights applicable in a democratic society.

Gradually, society has begun to embrace them. Laws have been made to accommodate them, and organizations have been set up to look into their plight and see how they can be further embraced by a society that has spent centuries persecuting them. Their lives have come to matter up to the point that issues pertaining to them, generally or specifically, are treated with much sensitivity and attention to avoid heavy backlash, especially in countries that have legalized such relations.

While it is fortunate to have achieved such freedom, the concern now goes to what about the freedom of the people who choose to have either a neutral or opposing point of view regarding the sexual orientation or identity of other individuals? Does the cost of the freedom to be gay demand the freedom to oppose or maintain a neutral point of view?

Sexual orientation or identity is personal to each individual, so owing to this, it is no secret that there would be opposition to this. A negative mindset could stem from the fact that it is not acceptable to you based on your cultural or religious background or affiliations. It would not necessarily mean that you are ready to go all out to wage war against these people who have a different sexual orientation or identity.

But somehow, we are at a point in our existence where we do not join the bandwagon signals that we are the enemy of progress or the barbarian at the gates. We have people who will stop at nothing to ensure you conform to their personal choices. If the freedom of expression is left to them, it starts and ends with little or nothing given to persons who hold opposing or neutral views.

Many countries have been called repressive because of their stance on gay rights or other sexual identities or orientations. Some of these countries have had to be denied or threatened to be denied certain critical aids or supports because of their position. The Captain of the England National Football team is said to wear an armband showcasing the rainbow during the World Cup in Qatar to oppose the nation’s stance on gay relations.

In the end, you have people who support these movements out of fear of serious repercussions or those who were bullied into joining the movement. Personal choices can only garner genuine support through dialogues and other peaceful processes while giving people the patience to adopt and approve of your preferences. And when they respectfully hold on to their views, it is only wise that you let them be.

The freedom of expression, which covers the right to sexual identity, also protects the right to oppose other sexual identities outside that of the concerned individual. The 21st-century perception of freedom is hinged on choices – the choice to accept a sexual identity and the choice not to accept or endorse any sexual identity. No option should demand the freedom of the other.

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