Based reports, Ashley Ross A.K.A Ms. Minnie swerved around the road frantically before hitting another driver in the opposite lane and finally sustaining injuries that led to her death from the auto crash.
According to the crash report, and based on the testimonies of eyewitnesses, as well as the observations from the officer that responded to the scene of the auto crash, Ms. Minnie lost control of her vehicle while voyaging southbound on one side of an expressway, making her snap the guiding wheel right. Cops state she went rough terrain quickly before fiercely swinging back to one side and slamming into another vehicle on the contrary path. Neither she nor the other driver was shot out.
See – Sad News As ‘Ms. Minnie’ of Little Women of Atlanta dies in an auto crash
Ms. Minnie’s family is holding a commemoration for her this end of the week, which just 10 of her nearest friends and family will have the option to go face-to-face because of isolated rules. Every other person can offer appreciation through a live stream, and the family is receiving flowers, cards, and gifts by means of various stages.
Additionally, her ‘Little Women’ co-stars plan to appropriately respect her on the show once they’re up and shooting once more.
From all of us at Crumour, we say Rest in Power to Ms. Minnie.