It was alleged that Charlie Crooks jumped off the plane, BUT he may have fallen while analyzing the aircraft’s damaged Landing gear.
Law enforcement authorities indicated that one of the operating theories is that the co-pilot went to the back of the cargo plane and opened the back cargo door to examine the landing gear that was sabotaged and accidentally fell out as the plane was heading for the airport.
Charlie’s close friends scoff at the notion of him jumping off the plane out of panic—saying that Charlie was cool as a cucumber and had previously landed on a plane that encountered a mechanical failure.
The photo (below) shows Charlie at the rear of the plane, sitting on the same door that is being seen as the one he perhaps opened to look underneath the landing gear.
He posted the photo on social media with a joke.
“If there’s anything we can do to make your journey more comfortable, there is an exit ramp at the rear of the aeroplane that we will gladly open for you.”
The NTSB and other federal agencies are analyzing the fall and the plane.
Charlie crashed 30 miles from the airport at 3,500 feet.