Persistent Myths About Ancient Egypt You Will Never Look at The Same Again


Cleopatra Was Egyptian

Cleopatra VII Philopator (69 B.C. – Aug. 12, 30 B.C.) is probably going the foremost well-known of all the traditional Egyptian queens. What many of us don’t know is that Cleopatra was quite likely not ethnically Egyptian.

Born during the Greek occupation of ancient Egypt, Cleopatra descended from an extended line of Greek Macedonians who fell from Ptolemy I, one among Alexander the Great’s most trusted lieutenants. The Ptolemy ruled Egypt from 323 to 30 B.C., and for the foremost part, maintained their Greek heritage.

The name Cleopatra was given to a variety of the feminine members of the family. Her mother bore a similar name, also as an older sister, which is why the famous queen is referred to as Cleopatra the seventh. She reportedly was the primary member of her family, who learned to talk the Egyptian language.

Debates about her ethnicity rage on, but coins minted during her lifetime are likely the first accurate depiction of the monarch.


Slaves Built The Pyramids

skilled workers ancient egypt
skilled workers ancient egypt

The idea that slaves built the pyramids of Egypt has been circulating ever since the Greek historian Herodotus reported it within the fifth century B.C.

However, most historians now dismiss the story as false.

The builders of the pyramids were highly skilled Egyptian craftsmen, not slaves, like Hollywood or some Bible interpretations portray.

According to a 2010 article, tombs containing the remains of the builders were found next to the pyramids at Giza. Egypt’s archaeology chief Zahi Hawass said the builders were respected for his or her work, such a lot so that those that died during construction were bestowed the respect of burial within the tombs next to the sacred pyramids of the pharaohs.

Also, Egyptologists found evidence at Giza, indicating that the pyramid builders ate beef, a delicacy in ancient Egypt.

Napoleon and His Troops Shot Off the Nose of the Sphinx For Target Practice

Although popular legend blames Napoleon and his troops during the French campaign in Egypt (1798-1801) for shooting the nose off the good Sphinx, the story is fake . the parable dates back a minimum of to the start of the 20th century.

European visitors to Egypt before Napoleon’s expedition had already discovered the vandalism to the Sphinx. Sketches of the Sphinx by the Dane Frederic Louis Norden, made in 1738 and published in 1757, show the Sphinx was missing its nose. This predates Napoleon’s birth in 1769.

Modern Egyptians Are The Same Egyptians From Antiquity

A number of Egyptologists and other laymen argue that Egyptian civilization couldn’t are built by Black people because the fashionable Egyptians are equivalent people that populated the traditional kingdom and that they aren’t Black.

However, the fashionable population of Egypt reflects the aftermath of the many, many occupations, migrations, and conquests, including the Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Turks, French and British.

The Middle Eastern Arabs who dominate the population now didn’t show up in any real numbers before the seventh century A.D. Descendants of the first Egyptian people do, however, still live among the fashionable population.

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