Surviving the post COVID-19 pandemic era is probably far from the minds of everyone right now, with some people probably taken advantage of how hectic things are right now to forget the fact that we are currently experiencing a pandemic presently. In light of the on-going protests that have been rocking various locations around the world, with people paying no attention to the social distancing rule, it is logical to expect a rise in cases of persons who are positive for the COVID-19.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has really left the world in a very difficult position, with thousands of people dead; economies of nations being messed up badly due to various restrictions on the movement of goods, services, and people; lockdown of business, recreational and government and personal establishments. The effect these restrictions have on everyone goes beyond just the financial downthrown it has placed most nations, it also involves the effect it has on individuals both physically and psychologically.
Furthermore, with this pandemic, also comes the various hard lessons various nations and the world had to learn, which hopefully will shape the post-COVID-19 era, and make it more accommodative for both the government and the people too. We shall be exploring various necessary steps worth taking in the event of the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, which would lead us to an era that would be quite conducive.
Invest In Health Care
If one thing was made obvious by this pandemic, it is the fact that the health sector of most African nations is in the worst situations. Owing to the ‘tradition’ of most officials getting flown out of their respective countries when they get ill or require intensive medical attention, some people were somewhat happy with the pandemic, as it would restrict officials from traveling and it would show that the majority of the health facilities in many African countries are less than standard. For instance, with the advent of the virus in Nigeria, only two ventilators were available in the WHOLE country; one in Lagos, and the other in Abuja. Most hospitals had to start building extra, make-shift bedding space for patients. There was also a shortage of PPEs, and a general loss of confidence in the country’s health sector due to the lack of attention it has been getting over the years despite the large funding allocated to it in the country’s annual budgets over the years. This situation requires the government to be more proactive and start working on ensuring that the health sector is upgraded massively.
Invest In Health Sciences
Being able to stay proactive means that we have to be prepared in any way possible for future occurrences. This was not the case in various African nations as most countries relied on the information flow from western countries, without having no clue on how to clinically battle the virus. To avoid such cases from happening, governments of African nations must take the step to finance the various health-related departments, both for hospital facilities and our universities, which would see our undergraduate students having unrestricted resources in the fight of the known viruses around the world.
Evaluate Employees
For better efficiency with work, it is advised that employers of labour should not be quick to welcome their various employees back to work just immediately after all this is over, without carrying out some sort of evaluation to ensure that the employees still understand what their respective duties are; the rules that guide the place of work; and so on. The lockdown being imposed has certainly taken a lot of people away from their jobs for a long time, and so it is necessary that these evaluations are carried out to ensure that they are still up for the task which they usually did before the lockdown.
Embrace ICT
With most ventures getting out of business, and the high rate of unemployment comes the need for people to embrace the internet, not just for recreational purposes, but as a source of livelihood. With most businesses being closed down due to the economic situations occasioned by the pandemic, only internet-related businesses that not only remained functional but keeps on reaping much benefits and profits. In that same vein, we all should look for innovative ways of making our side or full income from the internet by embracing various arts involved in the business. Taking this step is one way of surviving the post-COVID-19 pandemic era.