The 27th of May every year marks the global celebration of Children Day. Despite the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has led to various States being locked down, it does not stop the fact that all children, especially the black child, gets to celebrate Children’s Day.
Our reference today is on the black child, seeing as today commemorates his celebration. Despite the fact that his childhood is his blessing, he would be needing a lot of ‘heads up’ to survive in the world today. It is not a secret that racism still holds ground despite the number of years passed. It is not a secret that black-on-black crimes still exist. It is not a secret that most 16-year old black boys do not get to celebrate their 18-years old birthday in a free state, as they are either dead or incarcerated. There are a lot of reasons for the black child to worry about.
However, our gift to every black child on the occasion of Children Day today is a series of messages, which will be enunciated in points. These messages serve as a daily reminder to the black child on how to overcome the various negative stereotypes associated with black people in recent times.
Get An Education
An education affords you the power to compete with people of other races for dominance. We are not just talking about social dominance, but politically and economically. Everyone wants to be an entertainer, and that is cool. But it is wise that you fight a man with the same weapon he has or something more superior to what he has. An educated man is a formidable man, so it is important that you get one. You may not necessarily need to go to school, learning a craft and perfecting it, and setting up your own brand is enough to kick start your life.
See – Black Parenting 101 – How to raise your black children right
Let Go of the Village
Most black folks believe that the black race does not stand as much chance as people from other races. Some people even believe we are created to be underneath. That is the mentality you should let go of. The sky is big enough for all of us. You can achieve far more than any other race out there, so do not let the words of other black people make you think less of yourself.
Stand Against Racism in any way you can
A silent victim is a lost victim. The only way to bring the idea of people to your plight is if you speak out. As a black child, never be afraid to point out racist actions meted against you, your friend, your classmate, or a fellow black person. We can only conquer racism if we take the plight of each other personally.
Stay out of trouble
Most black men that made it out of the negative stereotype system associated with black people did so by making sure they did not in any way put themselves in positions where they have to end up like some of our brothers and sisters. Decide to take that same position by staying out of trouble. Desist and disassociate yourself from people who are involved in any form of vices. Be at the right place at the right time, obey the laws stipulated in your community.