Half Of Virginia High School Out Sick Due To Flu-Like, Gastrointestinal Symptoms In Mystery Outbreak

Officials said that nearly half of a Virginia high school’s student population was absent Friday due to flu-like or gastrointestinal symptoms and that an investigation into the source of the mystery outbreak was underway.

According to Sandra Osborn, Chief Communications Officer for Stafford County Public Schools, approximately 1,000 students were absent Friday from Stafford High School in Fredericksburg, Virginia, with many reporting flu-like and gastrointestinal symptoms.

This represents nearly half of the school’s total enrollment of 2,100 students.

Stafford High School reopened on Monday, and “we are reassessing conditions this morning,” according to Osborn.

According to the district, the school was thoroughly cleaned and disinfected over the weekend.

According to Osborn, other schools in the district are not seeing comparable numbers of absences due to illness.

“We’re working with the Virginia Department of Health and the Rappahannock Health Department to figure out what’s causing the illness and what the next steps are,” Osborn said.

“Due to the high number of student and staff illnesses reported this week,” Stafford High School cancelled all school-related activities and athletics over the weekend.

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