Bill Cosby Granted the Right to Legally Appeal His Conviction For Sexual Assault

Bill Cosby
Photo: Sky News

Today, good news flew in as Bill Cosby was reportedly granted the right to fight his 2018 conviction for sexual assault legally. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania ruled that it will take an in-depth look at Cosby’s legal bid to fight the criminal case’s resolution after a jury found him guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting a woman, Andrea Constand, at his mansion in 2004.

From the ruling obtained by BOSSIP, the court will look into Cosby’s challenging testimony from women who accused him of plying them with quaaludes before sexually assaulting them. In the review of the ruling, the Supreme Court judges will determine whether the jury should have heard from the women, many of whom Cosby was accused of abusing more than 15 years ago. Meanwhile, the court said the women’s testimony wasn’t the same as the sexual misconduct that he was convicted of and that he was never charged for crimes in those instances.

Again, the court agreed that Lil Cosby can equally object to going back to what the Montgomery County District Attorney said about promising Cosby that he wouldn’t be prosecuted if he speaks truthfully in a deposition as part of a civil suit Constand initially filed against Cosby.

Bill Cosby, disgraced and defamed, has been serving a three to a ten-year sentence in a Pennsylvania state prison.

While the ruling will be widely seen as a blow to #MeToo Movement, Cosby’s spokesman, Andrew Wyatt, cited the news a victory for Black Lives Matter.
“As we have all stated, the false conviction of Bill Cosby is so much bigger than him – it’s about the destruction of ALL Black people and people of color in America,” Wyatt said in a statement to the Associated Press.

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