Any Black Person Who Still Bears Christian Names Is Still a Slave To The Whites

With every new day, there’s an increasing number of Black people (both Africans, and African Diaspora), who want to understand more about their history and heritage, and who express their anger and distaste about the wickedness of the Caucasian world on Black people. There are more awakened Black people that want nothing to try to to with European ideologies, religion, and thoughts.
But one thing we’ve realized is that regardless of what proportion Black people speak against slavery and its effects today in Africa, America, and Europe, they still maintain and use the names of their oppressors.

It is safe to mention that about 70% of Black people in America still pass European names, while about 60% of Africans within the mother continent, always use the names of their colonizers and oppressors as first names and surnames.
During slavery, Africans taken to America and Europe were forced to require the names of their white masters. After a few years, many of the enslaved Africans forgot their roots and names and stayed with the names of their oppressors.

They need to pass on their “slave names” to their children, and their children did an equivalent. And today, in America, Europe and everyone over the planet, you’ll find many Black people going by purely European names, when they’re Africans.

It is only a couple of our brethren within the Diaspora who have taken it upon themselves to try to do research and determine their roots in Africa and make a reputation from their ethnic nationality. Many African-Americans don’t care to seek out their origins. Many don’t care to urge an African name, but still, they complain about slavery, white brutality, and segregation.
But the reality remains that albeit you fight against racism and modern slavery, fundamentally, with a Europeans name, you’re still a slave. You’re still a slave until you modify that name and obtain an African name. And that we aren’t just talking a few given name – we are talking a few complete African identities.

During colonization, the Europeans infiltrated Africa with their Christian missionaries, who preached about Jesus being the way, and the way our ways were evil and demonic. They somehow were ready to convince our folks that European names were better than African names.
And soon, we had shallow Africans take up the ECU names, and immediately, our identity as Africans began to die. And after almost a century that the Europeans have left, we’ve Africans who have even gone ahead to drop their surnames and brought up Europeans first names and surnames.

What stupidity? How are you able to as an African strip yourself of your heritage, identity, and name and take up that of a EU, just the way it had been forced down on our brethren who were taken into slavery? Are you a slave or a free man? Answer me this, dear African.

What is more annoying in Africa, especially in West Africa, is that African Christians drop their ancestral surnames on the idea that the names are evil, demonic, and cursed. They cut them and devour a Europeans union name, which frequently are names of Christian Saints. So, after prolonged exposure to brainwashing in Christianity, you’ll find an African going by Esther Mathew, or Simon Jude. Now, what quite a stupidity would you call that?
Even if you somehow are convinced that your ancestral name is cursed, and portend evil, can’t you select another supposedly “holy name” from your tribe and language and use? Why would you delete your identity? That’s not right!!!

When you attend Europe, you don’t see them answering African names. You don’t see White race answering Chukwuka Okafor, Kwame Mensa, Busola Tosin, Haruna Idris, etc. you’ll only see them responding to their Scott Davidson, Helen Johnson, etc. this often because they’re Europeans, and their names are their identities.

The Chinese, Indians, Arabs, and lots of other races. They stick with their names and identities, regardless of their interaction with Europeans for hundreds and thousands of years. They do not drop their identity for once and devour European titles. Only the Black man does that.

The Exception of Marriage

The only time when taking an EU (white person’s) surname should be reasonable is when an African woman is getting married to an EU man. By default, after marriage, you’ll take his surname but still maintain your African given name.


African parents owe it to their children to offer them purely African names at birth. That child will get older a proud African. Allow us to correct the mistakes of our parents, who gave us Europeans beat the name of Christianity.

Africans haven’t any reason answering the names of their enslavers and oppressors. Many folks might want to argue and say the planet may be a global village now, but that’s just plain stupidity and low-self-esteem. If the earth was a global village, why are Europeans not answering purely African names?
We owe it to our ancestors and to our next generation to reverse this disgraceful act of abandoning who we are for something else. We owe it to our youngsters to retrace our steps and be 100% Africans.

The process of adjusting your name is one of the simplest things to try to to in many countries. Your old documents will still bear your old slave name, while your new documents will bear your new name as a FREE Black man. If you don’t skills to travel about it, you’ll ask questions. Any lawyer would guide you accordingly.

AFRICANS are great people. Allow us to show that in our attitude, names, culture, achievements, and enterprise.
Let nobody tell you that your name isn’t ok.
Let no enslave you any longer.

some credit go to libertywriteafrica

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