Amar Bharati was a married man with three children, and he worked in a local bank until 1973 when he decided to leave his humble life for world peace. At this point, he decided to become a sadhu Indian, dedicating himself to the Hindu deity ‘Shiva‘, thereby turning away from material things.
In 1973, Bharati decided to prove and show his appreciation towards Shiva by raising an arm. When asked why he raises an arm, he responded: “I don’t ask for much. Why do we fight one another? Why is there so much hate and hostility between us? I want all Indians to live in peace and the whole world to live in peace.”
At the start, the pain was unbearable, but he didn’t back down on his quest, and gradually he started losing the sense in that arm, and the pain began to go away. For the past 45 years, Bharati has raised his arm for peace.
Shiva is the third god in the Hindu triumvirate. The trio consists of three gods who control the world’s creation, upkeep and destruction. The two other gods are Brahma and Vishnu.