A federal grand jury has charged Sgt. Eric Huxley, 44, a 15-year veteran, for violating the Civil Rights of a black man on September 24, 2021, by using excessive force.
Huxley, a white man, was accused of inflicting bodily harm while violating someone else’s rights while acting beyond the letter of the law on one count.
Jermaine Vaughn was being arrested for disorderly conduct when the sergeant and two other cops — Sgt. Christopher Kibbey and officer Matthew Shores — tackled him to the ground as he was arguing, according to Fox 59.
Sgt. Eric Huxley may be seen in the video stamping on Vaughn’s head while holding his hands behind his back.
Then, as Sgt. Huxley approaches [the man], raises his left leg and rams it into his face with his left foot. In a matter of seconds, blood can be seen in [the man’s] mouth.
“Stop! You’re done! You’re done! You’re done!” Huxley yells at Vaughn after kicking him in the face, the video shows.
“There you go. Police brutality!” the bloodied suspect responds.
According to Fox 59, Huxley, who has been placed on administrative leave without pay, also faces firing and local felony charges of violence and official misconduct.
“This incident was unnecessary and should have never occurred,” Taylor said after the indictment was handed down Tuesday.
“I would not tolerate this behaviour from any community member; Sergeant Huxley is no exception. As law enforcement officers, we must understand that this behaviour violates the community’s trust. We have confidence the judicial system will bring justice to [the man] and his family,” he added.