These are the ten most heavily guarded places in the world. Most of them are surprising, like Area 51. While we may never have detailed information on what goes on in these places, this article sheds light on them.
1. HavenCo Limited:
HavenCo Limited was a data hosting company, built in the 2000s. It was located at Sealand, a self-declared sovereign principality southeast of England. However, they stopped operating in 2008 without an explanation.
2. The Doomsday Seed Vault:
Located between Norway and the North Pole, the food bank houses over 930,000 varieties of food crops. It holds the largest agricultural storage in the world which can be used in case of any disaster. It is heavily guarded and impossible to get to.
3. The Bank Of England Gold Vault:
Hidden in the deep street of London. Built between 1933 and 1942, the Bank of England is one of the two largest holders of gold in the world. The vault contains over 4 million tons of gold, with an estimated £130billion worth of gold and can be only opened by six people in the world.
4. The Iron Mountain:
Founded in 1951, Iron Mountain is an American information management service. It houses some of the world’s greatest secrets, information and data recoveries with a market of over 200,000 customers with over 1,500 storage locations over the world.
5. The Federal Reserve:
Created on December 23 1913, the Federal Reserve is said to have over one-quarter of the gold in the world and was constructed 80ft below street level.
6. Fort Knox:
Located in Kentucky, Fort Knox houses a large portion of the United States gold reserve. With the front door weighing about 22 tons, it is considered the most secure vault in the world. Opened in 1935, the vault is covered in 10ft of solid granite and is said to contain $270billion worth of gold.
7. Area 51:
Common name of a United States Air Force facility, located within Nevada, the facility claims to be an open training range no one knows the exact details surrounding.
8. The Vatican Secret Archives:
Formed in 1612, it is located at the Cortile del Belvedere, the Vatican City. The archive holds the account books, state papers and series of church documents and secrets. The pope is the owner till his resignation tenure, aside from the pope only really important people are allowed in.
9. The Mormon Church’s Secret Vaults:
Created in 1965, it is the world’s largest collection of genealogical records housed in a secure vault. It is located at the mountain near Salt Lake City, Utah. The vault houses the storage unit for 2.4 million rolls of micro film containing billions of images
10. The ADX Prison:
Home to some of the most dangerous criminals in the world is an American prison located in Fremont County near Florence, Colorado. It houses about 300-400 inmates and has some of the best-advanced security systems. The prison walls are 12ft high with sharp razor barbed wires, laser beams, pressure pads and high pixel security cameras. It is headed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.