The COVID-19 epidemic sure has no regard for the status of anyone, as both the influential and rich in the society have also ended up being tested positive for COVID-19. Last week, Tom Hanks, the Oscar awarding-winning actor, announced via Instagram that he was down with COVID-19.
However, this time around, it is no one other than our very own Idris Elba who, sadly, has tested positive to COVID-19. According to him, he decided to get tested after coming in contact with a person who had tested positive for the virus.
Idris Elba has quarantined himself, alongside his wife, Sabrina, who has not been tested yet. The odd thing is, Idris Elba stated that he showed no symptoms of the virus, prior to being tested. Hence, the need for people to get tested once it appears that they might have had contact with persons who have the virus.
We here at Crumour send our thoughts and prayers to Idris Elba, wishing him a quick recovery.